Entrepreneur, motivational speaker, mentor
My goal is to inspire and help people closer to their dreams and goals. I want to create a community of success-minded people, who have achieved success and created an opportunity for people around the world to start their own business. Your past does not matter, what matters is your dreams for the future and how much are you willing to work for it. So, how can I help you?
Do you feel like direct sales might be the field for you? Do you want to know more about our successful team?
Do you want some help in achieving your goals? I can find some time for you to put in place a plan that suits you to achieve your goals.
Different workshops on how to set goals as well as entrepreneurship. Invite me to your school or organisation!
Do you have something else in mind? Contact me! Together we will find a solution.
This is a blog to express my thoughts and show many interesting situations that happen in my day to day life. Because direct sales in often misunderstood my many, I want to share my opinion and thoughts on this field, as well as bits of my life connecting to direct sales. Because I regularly work with many different people, then this is a place where I share some highlights of it.
Mõeldes tagasi oma üliõpilaskogemusele, pean kõige olulisemateks
LOE VEELPilt on genereetitud Gemini AI-ga Minu kõige silmapaistvam mälestus
LOE VEELKonflikt grupitöös: õppetund andragoogidelt On 2024. aasta. Tallinna
LOE VEELPeatükk 1.3 "Valjult mõtlemise meetod" annab põhjaliku ülevaate